Knowledge Checks of The Odin Project — A Walkthrough for Web Development

Knowledge Checks Walkthrough


Start here!

This is where it all begins! A hands-on introduction to all of the essential tools you'll need to build real, working websites. You'll learn what web developers actually do and the foundations you'll need for later courses. — The Odin Project

The Odin Project Paths

Introduction to Web Development

This section will cover the baseline knowledge you need before getting into the more 'programming' aspects of web development. — The Odin Project

6. How Does the Web Work?


In this section you will configure your development environment and install some software necessary for web development. — The Odin Project

4. Command Line Basics

  • What is the command line?
  • How do you open the command line on your computer?
  • How can you navigate to a particular directory?
  • Where will cd on its own navigate you to?
  • Where will cd .. navigate you to?
  • How do you display the name of the directory you are currently in?
  • How do you display the contents of the directory you are currently in?
  • How do you create a new directory?
  • How do you create a new file?
  • How do you destroy a directory or file?
  • How do you rename a directory or file?

Git Basics

In this section you will learn the basics of Git and how you can upload your future projects to GitHub so you can share your work and collaborate with others on projects easily. — The Odin Project

1. Introduction to Git

2. Git Basics